Call for Project Proposals – Mental Health of Quebeckers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Do you have a research project that will help to reduce the mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the Quebec population?

Please send a one-page project proposal no later than April 3, 2020, 8:00 p.m. to The RQSHA is investing up to $20,000 in this initiative. Only projects lasting 6-12 months and with a budget of $5,000 to $10,000 will be funded. Awardees will be notified on April 5, 2020. (Funding will begin on April 1, 2020, but funds will not be transferred until May 1, 2020).

Formatting of the proposal:
Arial 12 pt, 2 cm margins, single spacing

Applicants must be a regular member of the RQSHA.

Assessment criteria:

  1. Objectives relating to the mental health needs of the population during the pandemic
  2. Feasibility of conducting research remotely
  3. Expected results and potential to have an immediate impact on the mental health of Quebeckers
  4. Budget justification

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