PROFAN: Preventing and Reducing Overdoses – Training and Accessing Naloxone

PROFAN is a training program that facilitates access to naloxone.

Status: recruiting completed


The PROFAN project was implemented by Méta d’Âme and the AIDQ with the goal of reducing overdoses through the use of peer-trainers. This pilot project was part of the regional plan for the prevention of opioid overdose-related deaths in the population.

The training is offered to current or former substance users and their friends and their relatives, or to anyone in contact with people who use substances so they can respond quickly and appropriately in an overdose situation.

The training involved two steps:

  1. A cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training given by an MSSS-accredited organization;
  2. Training on overdose recognition and naloxone administration. The complete training lasted approximately 6 hours.


The PROFAN project was funded by the Direction de santé publique de l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal. The peer educators’ perspective evaluation was also funded by the DSP. A second grant was obtained by the CRISM Quebec-Atlantic Node to evaluate the experience of the participants.


A study was conducted among the participants to evaluate:

  1. Their opinions on the training received;
  2. The knowledge acquired during the training;
  3. Their perspective regarding their peer experience within the PROFAN project.


Following the success of PROFAN, the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec funded the project to offer PROFAN trainings across the Quebec Province. Métâ d’Ame, in partnership with the AIDQ launched PROFAN 2.0 in 2020.

Principal Investigators

  • Guy-Pierre Lévesque (Méta d’Âme CEO)
  • Michel Perreault, PhD (Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital Douglas)


For more information

For more information about the naloxone kit training, visit the Méta d’Âme website.

For information on the training evaluation, please contact:
Michel Perreault,



PROFAN - INSPQ interview

Source: INSPQ


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