The CRISM Quebec-Atlantic Node supports its members in a variety of ways, including:




Research Development ProgramMembers of the CRISM Quebec-Atlantic node are invited* to submit a concept sheet proposal for financial support to improve a rejected grant application. An envelope of $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 from the QA Node funds is available each year for emerging and promising projects. Please note that a rigorous evaluation process is in place for the award of these funds.
*RDP application have to be completed and submitted within the announced RFA competition dates
Click here 
Working group organisational supportThe CRISM Quebec-Atlantic Node supports the activities of research projects developed within our Working groups (up to $3,000 for each Working Group).Contact us
Research communication logistics supportCoordinating core can support CRISM-funded and affiliated projects with their graphic design needs relevant to project execution.Contact us
Scientific writing and translationNode members who require translation (English and French) of texts / abstracts / manuscripts / funding applications directly related to one of CRISM’s priorities may file a request to the Coordinating core.Application form
Partnered Research funding opportunitiesThe node partners with other networks to provide funding towards project and protocol development in research areas that are strongly correlated with interventions in the field of Addiction.Visit website and subscribe to the newsletter to stay informed
Methodological and Biostatistics consultationsIn partnership with URCA (applied clinical research unit) from the CHU Sainte-Justine, the node can provide methodological expertise to RDP awardees and Working groups.Contact us

Please note that access to these services is not systematic. You must make a formal request to the coordinating core and that request has to be approved.

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